12 Books To Get Kids Excited About Family History

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It’s never too early to start getting kids into learning about their family tree and family history!

Here are 12 books for kids about genealogy and family history, for a variety of ages.

1) My Family and Me: A Family History Fill-In Book by Cara J. Stevens

I love that the cover for this shows so many diverse, modern families. This activity book guides children 7-9 through asking relatives questions about their family.

2) My First Book About Genetics by Patricia J. Wynne and Donald M. Silver

This beginner book about genetics is filled with illustrations to teach kids about DNA and how traits are passed along between generations. For ages 6-8.

3)Me and My Family Tree by Joan Sweeney

Me and My Family Tree shows children how different members of the family are related to each other, and has a family tree template to fill in. For ages 3-7.

4) The Kids' Family Tree Book by Caroline Leavitt

This book is complete with a discussion of why genealogy is important and how to get started, plus ideas on family history-related projects like how to gather family recipes and start a family newsletter. For 8 to 12-year olds.

5) Ved and Friends Investigate Your Family by Diksha Pal Narayan

Ved and Friends Investigate Your Family is part of a series featuring a South Asian child. This installment is an activity book so children can learn more about their family, tracing their roots with the help of their parents and grandparents.

6) The Boy Who Fell Off the Mayflower, or John Howland's Good Fortune by P. J. Lynch

P. J. Lynch brings a genealogy-themed fiction book to kids with The Boy Who Fell Off the Mayflower… The story is based on the real-life John Howland, an indentured servant to Pilgrim John Carver, and his travels to New England. This would be a great gift for any Mayflower descendant. For ages 7 – 10.

7) My Family Tree by Rebecca Yee

This is an interactive book, with space for photos, notes, and stories as kids learn about their family history. It says it’s for ages 5 to 12 but is geared toward younger readers.

8) Dalton's Dream: My Ancestors Sailed From Scotland in the Mid 1700's by Paula Jones

Dalton’s Dream is a fiction title, featuring a 12-year-old boy who dreams of going back to the 1800s and meeting his ancestors. For ages 8 to 16.

9) The DNA Book by DK

This illustration-filled book, for children 7 to 9, walks children through learning about DNA, genetic inheritance, and using DNA evidence to catch criminals.

10) Grandmas Are for Love by Misty Black

Grandmas Are For Love is for younger readers, ages 3 to 8, and gets kids interested in their family history with questions to ask their grandparents and a family tree template to fill out.

11) Always an Olivia: A Remarkable Family History by Carolivia Herron

Always an Olivia features an elderly Black grandmother sharing the family’s Jewish origins and multicultural stories with her granddaughter. I’m multi-ethnic and would have appreciated books like this when I was growing up. For ages 6-9.

12) Interview with My Grandma: An Interactive Journal to Investigate Our Family History by Courtney Littler

This fun journal makes a great bonding experience with a grandmother. There’s questions that a child can ask their grandmother, as well as games and other activities. For 8 to 12-year-olds.