Have a Great Weekend

Do you have any plans for Mother’s Day this weekend? It’s hard to believe it’s already here! I ordered something online and will be going by my parents’ house and talking to them through their window.


Rare photos by Arthur Genke of San Francisco’s Chinatown before the 1906 earthquake.

It’s Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in May.

It’s also Jewish American Heritage Month.

An interesting article about Melungeons, a mixed-race group in Appalachia.

The National Genealogical Society is offering free access to five years of NGS Monthly articles, through July 31.

The Chinese Historical Society of America has a great online exhibit on the Chinese Exclusion Act called “Remembering 1882” in honor of the anniversary of the creation of this terrible legislation (May 6).

Elderly people look at their younger reflections in this photo series by Tom Hussey.

Heinz History Center is hosting two online genealogy workshops in May - African American Genealogy and Scottish Genealogy. (Found via EOGN.)

These are some of the rarest last names in America. Is one of them yours??

I love haunted house stories. And old newspapers. Here’s a haunted house story in a series of articles from GenealogyBank.

Virtual genealogy education opportunities this summer.

Mood of the week